21 June 2009

new age Doctors !

During the last two weeks i was down with some sort of a fever. Headache, Body pain, tiredness and top it off with fever running into 100+. After having endured the trouble for four days with Homeopathic treatment, i couldn’t but get myself see a Allopath / Physician

While at the consultation, i was asked a whole host of things which the Dr would consider to be symptoms of a type of fever which he could then diagnose. Well, my fortune or his headache i was not having any of them… I was feeling relieved that these didn't find a place in me and therefore my own short diagnosis, ‘That i am not in for a long haul’ !

But the learned Physician wouldn’t let it off – he came back saying ‘ I am finding it difficult to diagnose a particular fever, and given that there are lot of Fever types running these days it could be anything Brain, Dengue, Chikungunya, Malaria, Typhoid or anything like that. Hence, get yourself admitted and some blood tests [ a huge list at that ] to be done. We will start with Anti-biotic and then lets see what it is !!!! ‘’

That night was the most restless that i have ever got of-late. Came back home and then my folks and couple of friends were at home, who very diligently prayed and i could sense that body was feeling much better.

Nevertheless, with full trust in God i went to another hospital and got a check-up done and after a three blood tests, the Dr there told me it was nothing to worry, its just another bout of Viral fever which went awry and some tablets written, i was back home advised to take solid rest

New age has come with it loads of technology, that has actually got the Dr’s leaving nothing to chance and also proper usage of technology …… only meant to eat into the peace of the patient and also his pocket !

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