12 December 2008

Traffic signals

Traffic signals are intended to do some controlling of traffic. It obviously is a replacement of the men who patrolled junctions controlling traffic, so that so automated sense did the control and prevent snarls.

Come to the Outer Ring Road in Bangalore connecting Old Madras Road to Hebbal Main and you would find signal towers that are designed to make matters easy... however the technical brains that made it or the brains that control it haven't used the capability... so these signal lights cause more confusion and make people go paranoid. They stay at Red for long time, even though there is no a single vehicle that is going to pass under it. Can you overstep him NO and how long would you wait !! well you have to. These signals also aren't programmed to suit time of the day or cater to the peak and no peak hours.

The police fraternity in Bangalore should use some thinking also to make people feel comfortable to follow traffic laws, instead of just making laws and not having any reasonable allowance to follow.

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