07 February 2011

Peacock and the Eagle

US President Obama during his visit to India, made a statement in the Indian parliament that India should stand-up and be counted as the leader by its actions. Well for sure he meant, that India should support US in all that they do be it war, blockades or sanctions. Most of us indians would never want such things and hence its quite un-likely that uncle Sam will ever get indian support and accordingly Obama’s US will take time to recognize this country as a leader, may be even not be fully supportive of the indian demand to be a permanent council seat holder in the UNO

We really have to stand-up, yes its important and where else but for our own nation’s cause/ belief. Over the last couple of months, there has been some instances where Indian people were mistreated in US or Indian law not duly accounted for. Here are few which i thought that our nation should raise its voice and be counted

Radio tagging students  - pictures of those unlucky students walking around with radio collars on their legs was very saddening. While the US Govt says that students are likely to violate rules if they are not tagged, what went forgotten is that people cant leave the borders of that country without their visas or passports, which were already confiscated. Education scam is a big pain and the US should do something about stopping these scamster places. Adding more fuel to the fire was when the US embassy official in india said that those collars looked ‘ fashionable ‘. Can the Indian govt work out its way to see that these students are not humiliated anymore?

PF in India – Recently the Provident Fund Org in India changed a rule that no more expats can withdraw contributions made to EPF unless they turn 58 or so.. immediately after this, there was pressure from US to change it… wonder why when indian expats in the US also cannot withdraw their savings made into the US social security framework

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